CS 59200-STC: Special Topics in Cryptography (Fall 2024)

Course Overview

Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographic protocols that enable a prover to convince a verifier of the truth of an NP statement without disclosing the secret witness. These protocols play a crucial role in the design of larger cryptographic systems. Since the foundational work of Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson, which established their feasibility for all NP languages, significant efforts have been devoted towards improving their practical efficiency. The goal of this course is to study state-of-the-art techniques for designing efficient zero-knowledge proofs, understand their practical implications and trade-offs. We will also explore their applications in different domains.

This seminar-style course will include lectures, paper discussions, short quizzes, and a course project. Lectures will introduce key concepts, while paper discussions will delve into state-of-the-art techniques. Each paper will be presented by designated student(s). Additionally, students will be expected to collaborate on a group project, which may involve a literature survey or original research addressing open problems in the field.

Basic Information


CS 35500/55500 (or an equivalent course).

Grading Policy

Class Schedule

Date Topics Papers Presenter
Aug 19 Introduction and Definitions Aarushi Goel
Aug 26 Sigma Protocols and MPC-in-the-Head (Part 1) IKOS07 Aarushi Goel
Sep 9 MPC-in-the-Head (Part 2) KKW18, Ligero Albert Yu
Sep 16 VOLE Based ZK (Part 1) LPZK Xiuyu Ye
Sep 23 VOLE Based ZK (Part 2) Wolverine Arun Yeragudipati
Sep 30 Probabilistically Checkable Proofs Killian92, Micali94 Jimmy Hwang
Oct 14 Interactive Oracle Proofs IOPs, RRR16, Aurora Colten Brunner
Oct 21 Linear PCP based SNARKs BCIO13, Groth16 Jacob White
Oct 28 Inner Product Arguments Bulletproofs Satvinder Singh
Nov 4 IVCs and Folding Arguments Nova Justin Zhang
Nov 11 ZK for RAM Programs Dora Aarushi Goel
Nov 18 Polynomial Commitments KZG, FRI Aarushi Goel
Nov 25 Project Presentations
Dec 2 Project Presentations